The Scotsman

Beyond the shale

- Dalkeith Road Edinburgh Kinross Perthshire Gamekeeper­s Road Kinnesswoo­d, Kinross

AlAn hinnrichs (letters, 21 June) takes issue with an earlier letter by Clark Cross and one of his many issues is with shale gas, claiming that it “poisons the water and causes earthquake­s”.

The water issue at one location in the US has long since been discredite­d as having nothing to do with shale gas recovery and the “earthquake­s” were barely measurable.

Shale gas would transform our economic competitiv­eness pro- AlAn hinnrichs constantly condemns those who challenge his green gospel. Can i ask if he feels that renewables subsidies of £400 million a year, which make the rich richer, and put more people into fuel poverty, are actually defensible on any grounds whatsoever?

maLCOLm ParkIn this coalition’s persistent attacks on the public sector, on which it has shifted the blame for the financial crisis caused by fellow millionair­es in the banking sector. When did all these doctors blow the country’s billions?

- Gandalff I’d love to have a pension of £68,000. Frankly, that is verging on obscene. Most people who We believe it is wrong of doctors to use patients as bargaining chips in their negotiatio­ns with the coalition government and that patients are made to suffer so that BMA leaders can get their point across. Doctors should protest via other means.

- FifePatien­ts

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