The Scotsman

Court orders Mugabe to hold poll by end of July

- Jane Fields IN ZIMBABWE

ZIMbabWe’S highest court has ordered president Robert Mugabe hold elections before 31 July in a ruling widely seen as a victory for the 89-year-old leader and angrily rejected by his rival Morgan Tsvangirai.

The ruling follows an applicatio­n by a man from the capital harare who wanted to force the longtime president to set a date for the polls.

a Zimbabwean rights activist Jealousy Mawarire, who writes for the pro-Mugabe Herald newspaper, filed the case with the constituti­onal court challengin­g Mr Mugabe to set dates for the presidenti­al and parliament­ary election by 29 June.

he argued the executive risked violating the constituti­on

“The respondent is ordered to proclaim a date” Godfrey Chidyausik­u

and the date given was in line with Mr Mugabe’s own wishes.

The judge said that while it was impossible to hold elections by 29 June, Mr Mawarire’s rights as a voter had been violated by Mr Mugabe’s failure to set an election date so far.

“The first respondent [Mugabe] is hereby ordered and directed to proclaim as soon as possible a date for the holding of presidenti­al elections… in terms of section 58 (1) of the constituti­on of Zimbabwe, which elections should take place no later than 31 July 2013,” said chief justice Godfrey Chidyausik­u, of the constituti­onal court.

Prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) had argued that Mr Mugabe should have until October to hold the elections and that the opposition leader should have a say in the date.

Mr Tsvangirai will stand against Mr Mugabe for the third time in the polls.

his party insists that media and security reforms agreed to under Zimbabwe’s four-year coalition deal must be implemente­d before elections are held, a demand that is being backed by the regional intergover­nment organisati­on Southern african Developmen­t Community.

but Mr Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party is opposed to these reforms and yesterday’s ruling makes it very unlikely they can be carried out.

“The constituti­onal court has oversteppe­d its mandate. Setting an election date is an executive issue,” a spokesman for Mr Tsvangirai, said.

The spokesman claimed that Mr Mugabe and Mr Tsvangirai had been holding discussion­s to settle on an election date “and there is no indication that process [has] failed”.

Lawyers for the MDC leader said they were “surprised” that the ruling was issued in terms of Zimbabwe’s old constituti­on when Mr Mugabe signed into law a new constituti­on only two weeks ago. The charter took four years to craft and the section on elections was supposed to come into force immediatel­y.

 ??  ?? robert Mugabe had wanted an election by the end of June
robert Mugabe had wanted an election by the end of June

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