The Scotsman

Two killed, seven hurt, in head-on car crash

- Frank urquhart

A WOMAN pensioner and a man have been killed and seven people, including three children, injured in a head-on crash.

The collision, involving two cars, happened on Thursday on the A85, near Connel, north of Oban.

The two who died, a 74-yearold woman and a 32-year-old man, had not been named by Police Scotland yesterday.

The OAP was a passenger in a blue Honda CR-V that collided with a blue Vauxhall Vectra on the busy tourist route. The man who died was a passenger in the Vectra .

The driver of the Vectra, a woman aged 32, was airlifted to the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, where her condition was described as “critical but stable”.

Three children, aged two, five and 14, who were passengers in the Vectra, were treated for minor injuries at Oban Hospital.

The 51-year-old female driver of the Honda and two other female passengers, aged 49 and 46, were also treated for minor injuries there.

A spokesman for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said: “Crews from Oban arrived to find people trapped inside the vehicles and the firefighte­rs used hydraulic cutting equipment in a bid to rescue all those involved.

“Ambulance personnel and police officers worked closely with our team throughout the incident but sadly one passenger from each car lost their life.

“The thoughts of all emergency responders who were at the scene will be with the casualties and their loved ones as they attempt to come to terms with what has happened.”

A Police Scotland spokesman said: “We are appealing to anyone who witnessed the accident or who saw the blue Vauxhall Vectra or the blue Honda CR-V just before it to come forward.”

Inquiries are ongoing into the cause of the crash.

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