The Scotsman

New Iranian leader labels Israel ‘a wound’

‘Moderate’ takes hard line over occupation of Palestinia­n land

- Margaret neighbour

Iran’s new president, Hassan rouhani, has described the Israeli occupation of Palestinia­n land as a “wound” on the Muslim world, according to remarks broadcast on Iran’s state-run Press TV.

Iran’s student news agency, Isna, had quoted Mr rouhani as saying: “The Zionist regime is a wound that has sat on the body of the Muslim world for years and needs to be removed.”

However, following an outcry, it issued a corrected version, saying: “In our region, and under occupation of Palestine and dear al-Quds (Jerusalem), there has been a wound on the body of the Islamic world.”

Mr rouhani was speaking two days before his inaugurati­on.

Israeli leaders seized on the re- tracted comments as an indication that the country would not take a more concilator­y line in relations with its Middle Eastern neighbour.

The initial, disputed statement echoed the fiercely antiIsrael­i language of the outgoing Iranian president, Mahmoud ahmadineja­d.

However, it was swiftly repudiated by Iranian state media, which said unidentifi­ed news agencies had distorted Mr rouhani’s remarks.

Press TV then broadcast an excerpt from an exchange between Mr rouhani and journalist­s at a rally to mark Iran’s annual al-Quds Day in support of the Palestinia­ns.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin netanyahu reacted to Isna’s version of Mr rouhani’s comments, saying they showed the reputedly moderate Iranian cleric was as hostile to Israel as Mr ahmadineja­d, whose denial of the Holocaust and descriptio­n of Israel as a “cancerous tumour” prompted internatio­nal condemnati­on.

The United states and its allies suspect Iran of seeking a nuclear weapons capability.

Tehran says its nuclear programme is purely for peaceful purposes, but Israel regards it as a threat to its existence and refuses to rule out military action against its neighbour.

With a more pragmatic president in Iran, western countries hope a better chance for diplomacy will lead to a deal to curb Tehran’s uranium enrichment programme and avoid any conflict.

However, Mr netanyahu said in a statement: “The true face of rouhani has been revealed sooner than expected.

“Even if they hurry to deny his words – this is what the man thinks, and this is the Iranian regime’s plan of action.”

He also warned that Mr rouhani’s words “must awaken the world from the illusion in which part of it is placed since the Iranian elections”, adding that Iran still aimed “to acquire

“A ferocious storm … will uproot the Zionist entity” Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d

nuclear weapons in order to threaten Israel, the Middle East and world peace”.

“a nation that threatens to destroy the state of Israel must not be allowed to have weapons of mass destructio­n,” the Israeli prime minister said.

Mr ahmadineja­d addressed Israel on al-Quds Day in his last speech as president.

“You planted wind in our region and you will reap the storm,” he said.

“I swear to God that a ferocious storm is coming and it will uproot the Zionist entity.”

Mr rouhani was speaking at an annual pro-Palestinia­n rally marking alQuds Day, the arabic word for Jerusalem, and although his remarks appeared contrary to his outreach efforts to the West, they should also be seen in the context of internal Iranian politics, where softening the establishm­ent’s anti-Israeli stand is not an option.

Iran does not recognise Israel and has, since the 1979 Islamic revolution, observed the last Friday of the Islamic month of ramadan as al-Quds Day.

Tehran says the occasion is to express support for Palestinia­ns and emphasise the importance of Jerusalem for Muslims.

 ?? Picture: Getty Images ?? mahmoud ahmadineja­d is jostled by supporters on
the huge parade in tehran
Picture: Getty Images mahmoud ahmadineja­d is jostled by supporters on the huge parade in tehran
 ??  ?? a clergyman holds a poster of ayatollah ali Khamenei
a clergyman holds a poster of ayatollah ali Khamenei
 ??  ?? a smiling hassan rouhani takes part in the al–Quds day parade
a smiling hassan rouhani takes part in the al–Quds day parade

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