The Scotsman

‘I think I was banned from the Kohl bar last time for rolling o on the floor and kissing under the tables’


Otto: Astrid, on behalf of The

Scotsman newspaper, i would like to ask you some questions about your experience of the Edinburgh Festival.

Astrid: Why are you asking me the questions? Why can’t The Scotsman people ask me?

O: They asked me to write an article.

A: Why would they ask you to write an article?

O: Because that’s what they do. sometimes they ask artists and musicians and comedians to write things during the festival time. A: They could have asked me. O: They asked me. This is the first time you’ve been back to the Edinburgh Festival since 2009.

We asked Die Roten Punkte to write about their return to the Edinburgh Fringe. Otto decided to interview his

partner, Astrid, and sent us this …

What do you remember about it?

A: i remember that i like to start at the Peartree in the afternoon and work my way through a few pints of cider, then switch to beer and whisky as we move on down to the Basement pub. O: OK. Anything else? A: i think i was banned from the Kohl bar last time for rolling on the floor and kissing under the tables. And maybe just a little bit of pants rubbing.

O: You don’t remember anything about playing shows? A: Oh yeah. We played shows, too. O: What do you remember about that?

A: i remember hanging out in the Merch booth after the show. Edinburgh people like me to sign their body parts after our concerts. in other cities i sign hands, arms and sometimes a boob but in Edinburgh they all want their asse signed. Then we all go out dancing O: Really? A: Last time, we had all these tequila shots and i was dancing on the tables at the Port O’Leith and i slipped on a soggy beer coaster an shot across the room and ended u straddling three men who became my best friends for that night.

O: Was that the night that you got all of those bruises and you kept falling over and missing the drum A: Maybe. O: Don’t you think that maybe it’s time to slow down a little. A: What do you mean? O: Well, since you were in drug an

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nd alcohol rehabilita­tion…

A: We’re not talking about that. That didn’t happen. I just had a small holiday. O: I am a journalist for The

Scotsman newspaper. I have to ask the hard-hitting questions. There are some performers that say Edinburgh Fringe is a mighty beast and so they swear off alcohol for the whole festival.

A: Yeah, but Otto. When I was away on my small holiday I learned this great new word. Moderation… and what it means is, that you can drink one drink, one at a time, one after the other! Moderation has changed my life!

O: I don’t think that’s what moderation means Astrid. It can’t mean coming home at 5am staggering in the door with sick all over your dress!

A: That wasn’t sick, that was garlic sauce from my kebab on the way home, all the sauces dripped out the bottom onto my boob. But the next day it was a great dried tasty snack. O: That’s disgusting. A: Actually it tasted great. O: I think this year you should be making a commitment to arriving at the gig on time and sober. We start at 8:55pm every night Astrid.

A: That’s too hard to remember! Who can remember 8:55pm?

O: That is the time and you must be there or else I will be rocking out on my own.

 ??  ?? ABOVE: Die Roten Punkte. The White Stripes of comedic pop
ABOVE: Die Roten Punkte. The White Stripes of comedic pop

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