The Scotsman

How downfall began with bar-room brawl

The butterfly effect is at work, writes political editor

- Bill jamieson

AS MPS lined up in parliament with vague demands for action to help save Grangemout­h yesterday, it was left to Falkirk MP Eric Joyce to put the boot in.

At the root of the dispute, he told Energy Secretary Ed Davey, was the Unite union’s decision to “put a petty political point before a looming train coming down the track”.

It was apt for Joyce to be the one getting stuck in – as the path to the events in central Scotland yesterday began with his flying fists in a House of Commons bar 18 months ago. It is the political equivalent of the theory that a butterfly flapping its wings in China can culminate in a hurricane on the other side of the world.

In March last year, Joyce went “berserk” during a parliament­ary drinking session, hitting at least three other MPs in an undignifie­d brawl. He was arrested and fined for common assault. Already suspended from the Labour Party, he subsequent­ly resigned and announced he would not be standing again at the 2015 general election.

So began the process of selecting a Labour candidate to replace him, to be chosen by local party members. In March this year, allegation­s began to emerge that Unite, led by the chairman of the Falkirk party, Stevie Deans, was signing up new members without their knowledge in order to get its favoured candidate, Karie Murphy, selected.

Specifical­ly, Grangemout­h Mr Deans, a employee and the plant’s union convener, was accused of recruiting fellow staff members.

In September, the Labour Party announced that Mr Deans and Ms Murphy had been exonerated, and declared it was dropping its internal investigat­ion.

However, while Labour and the police let the matter drop, Grangemout­h owner Ineos did not. Instead, it pressed on with an internal investigat­ion into Mr Deans’ “alleged inappropri­ate use of company resources”.

This decision was a red rag to Unite, which accused Ineos of the “sinister” victimisat­ion of Mr Deans. Ineos demanded the accusation be withdrawn or it would bring a libel action. Unite balloted members for industrial action over Mr Deans’ treatment. More than 80 per cent of workers backed a strike.

Into this escalating war, Ineos threw in the prospect that the giant plant may be facing a terminal crisis. The unions dispute the figure, but chairman Calum MacLean claimed losses amounted to £150 million per year for the past four years. At the end of September, the firm declared it needed government loans and cash of £135m to turn the Grangemout­h plant around. Mr MacLean said staff would have to accept changes to pay and pen- sions to keep the plant viable. The cost-cutting was necessary, the firm added, if government support was to be forthcomin­g.

If a deal could be reached, he claimed, the firm would be able to invest £300m in building a gas terminal to bring ethane from the United States, and return to profitabil­ity.

A dispute over Mr Deans now morphed into a much wider one about cuts to the plant’s huge workforce, with the accusation being levelled at Ineos that it was deliberate­ly setting up Unite to play the role of wrecker. The union, however, decided not to back down and, on 11 October, pressed the nuclear button, announcing plans for a 48-hour strike over Mr Deans’ treatment. As the plant began preparatio­ns to shut down, talks at conciliati­on service Acas commenced. According to Alex Salmond yesterday, the two sides were tantalisin­gly close to a deal. But instead, in the early hours of last Tuesday, they fell apart.

Unite’s Pat Rafferty claimed that at 5am, they received a demand from Ineos boss Jim Ratcliffe that they say sorry for the earlier accusation­s against the company, with a warning that failure to issue an apology would be a deal-breaker.

Unite refused but announced that morning that it was prepared to call off the strike for the coming weekend. But, holding all the cards, Ineos chiefs announced a shutdown of the plant. It would be reopened,

 ?? Picture: Donald Macleod ?? A question mark hangs over the future of the huge Grangemout­h refinery and petrochemi­cal complex
Picture: Donald Macleod A question mark hangs over the future of the huge Grangemout­h refinery and petrochemi­cal complex
 ??  ?? Falkirk MP Eric Joyce: ‘What did people think was going to happen?’
Falkirk MP Eric Joyce: ‘What did people think was going to happen?’
 ??  ??

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