The Scotsman

Cigar-smuggling pigeons to feature in New York exhibition

- Luke swiderski in NEW YORK

Thanks to new York City artist Duke Riley, the Us surveillan­ce apparatus faces a new airborne foe – the homing pigeon.

Riley trained pigeons to smuggle cigars from havana, Cuba, to key West, Florida, while other birds filmed the 100-mile journey with custom-made cameras. The pigeons and their videos will feature in Riley’s solo show, which opens next month at the Magnan Metz gallery in new York.

Riley, 41, said he came up with the project at least in part to challenge the idea that the spying capabiliti­es of the Us government have become allencompa­ssing. he started with 50 birds – tagging half of them as smugglers and the other half as documentar­ians.

“a lot of the work I do seeks to create some sense of possibilit­y or empowermen­t, in a humorous and romanticis­ed way, using the simplest means possible,” Riley said.

It was also his



pro- testing against the Us embargo against Cuba. Under the 1917 Trading with the enemy act, the Us has enforced economic sanctions against Cuba since 1962.

More recently, americans with permission to travel to Cuba were allowed to bring back $100 worth of goods, but the Bush administra­tion ratcheted up sanctions in 2004, imposing a total ban. Riley’s cigar project

“i don’t want to – can i say it? – be pigeonhole­d” Duke Riley

aims for more than just subversion. “I don’t want to – can I say it? – be pigeonhole­d,” said Riley, who has been around pigeons since he was a child.

he spent years researchin­g their role in carrying informatio­n for the military – more recently for the Us navy during the Vietnam War.

Riley has long courted trouble with his artistic interventi­ons. In 2007, he was arrested by the Us Coast Guard for approachin­g the new York-berthed Queen Mary II cruise liner in a makeshift wooden Revolution­ary War-era submarine. Riley called that project commentary on the Bush administra­tion’s “war on terror” and the gentrifica­tion of the Brooklyn waterfront.

In 2009, he hopped freight trains on his way to Cleveland, Ohio, and infiltrate­d the sewer system to emulate the hobo lifestyle of migrant workers during Cleveland’s Depression-era.

If some of that artistry bordered on illegality, the latest project, four years in the making, dives straight in. normally outspoken – “if you’re an artist and not taking risks, you’re just masturbati­ng” – Riley became guarded when discussing how the pigeons got to and from Cuba.

Less than half of the original number of his trainees took part in the mission. Of the 23 birds that embarked on it, only 11 made it back – toting six Cohibas. Those cigars are now cast in resin and also on display. a 12th bird, D Ruggero Deodato, nose-dived into havana harbour under uncertain circumstan­ces. The bird survived and made its way back to the United states without any cargo.

“I imagine Cuban authoritie­s would be sensitive to american pigeons flying over with cameras – that would cause some alarm,” Riley said, grinning. “But I’m just speculatin­g.”

some of the pigeons are now awaiting exhibition in a bird loft at the gallery, surrounded by portraits of each of the 50 participan­ts painted on tin shingles.

a spokeswoma­n for the Joint Interagenc­y Taskforce south, which monitors such activity, said: “If we had some intel that the pigeons are involved in drugs, or in internatio­nal crime, or illicit traffickin­g, we would use whatever assets we have to obtain that informatio­n.”

 ??  ?? Duke Riley trained pigeons to carry Cuban contraband, while other pigeons filmed the whole adventure for his exhibition
Duke Riley trained pigeons to carry Cuban contraband, while other pigeons filmed the whole adventure for his exhibition

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