The Scotsman

Cold comfort

- Howard Place St Andrews Hillview Edinburgh

eVery morning i read of yet another fantastic promise from the SnP to be fulfilled in an independen­t Brigadoon where economic realities are forever suspended.

Deputy First Minister nicola Sturgeon promises a five per cent cut in household bills by removing one of the many green levies tormenting those who live in the giant wind farm called Scotland.

But the removal of one of those wholly unnecessar­y environmen­tal taxes will make little difference because the remainder will ensure fuel poverty becomes the Scottish disease.

The key driver of energy bill increases is the wholesale gas price over which we have no control because First Minister Alex Salmond will not permit the developmen­t of our shale reserves.

in fact, the likely refusal by UK taxpayers to fund an independen­t Scotland’s wind farms will in itself cost Scottish households the better part of an extra £1,000 each per year.

(Dr) John Cameron JoHn Major suggests that the energy companies should be taxed and the response from the government is that it does not agree and that people should shop around for a better deal.

Why should we have to keep changing? Maybe a lot of younger people can do that but senior citizens are not always able or do not always have the facilities to do so.

mike mCkinnell AS THe energy companies raise their prices again i found myself getting nostalgic for my younger

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