The Scotsman

Lib Dem hits out over ‘cybernats’ bully tactics’

- David maddox

significan­ce of oil on Scotland’s competitiv­eness and that would mean some flexibilit­y.”

He said that without its own currency Scotland would not be able to protect itself from shocks, which would “mean you would see greater unemployme­nt”.

Prof Bell warned of “a long period of adjustment” ahead of an independen­t Scotland. Asked what long term meant, Prof SUPPoRTERS of independen­ce are “poisoning the well” of Scottish politics by intimidati­ng those who want Scotland to stay in the UK, a senior Liberal Democrat minister has claimed.

During exchanges in Scottish Questions in the House of Commons yesterday, Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael highlighte­d the role of so-called “cybernats” on the internet. He also condemned an SNP Scottish minister for allegedly asking for an academic to be sacked for backing the No campaign.

Labour shadow Scottish secretary Margaret Curran welcomed the interventi­on by BP chief executive Bob Dudley and Sains- bury’s outgoing chief executive Justin King in highlighti­ng concerns over independen­ce.

But she added: “Does the Secretary of State agree that all businesses, trade unions and voluntary organisati­ons have a right to be heard without insult, intimidati­on or fear of the consequenc­es, regardless of which side of the debate they are on?”

Mr Carmichael repled: “I do, absolutely. other members have also raised this issue.

“Whatever the outcome on 18 September we will all have to work together in Scotland for its best future, and that will not be possible if we allow the well to be poisoned in the way the cybernats in particular seem determined to do.”

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