The Scotsman

Planetary pairing to prompt UFO sightings


A DAZZLING conjunctio­n of Jupiter and Venus could lead to a flurry of UFO sightings early on Monday.

The two brightest planets in the sky will form a spectacula­r “double star” hanging low on the north-eastern horizon.

They can be seen shortly before sunrise at about 5am appearing only 0.2 degrees apart – less than half the width of a little finger held out at arm’s length.

It will be the closest conjunctio­n of Venus and Jupiter since 2000.

Their combined brightness and low position in the sky could keep police and Ministry of Defence switchboar­ds busy with reports of UFOs.

Robin Scagell, vice-president of the Society for Popular Astronomy, said: “They will be so close together that it’s going to be quite a striking sight.

“Undoubtedl­y people could mistake them for a UFO, especially being so low down. They might appear to move around because of the distortion effect of the atmosphere.”

Although the planets appear to be kissing-distance apart as seen from the Earth, they are actually separated by hundreds of millions of miles.

Venus and Jupiter pair up about once a year on average, but their conjunctio­ns vary greatly in separation and visibility. Some are missed completely because they occur in daylight.

The next Venus-Jupiter conjunctio­n is due to occur on 30 June next year, but they will be further apart .

During Monday’s conjunctio­n, Venus will appear to be six times brighter than Saturn although its diameter is less than a tenth that of the larger planet, which measures 86,881 miles across.

That is because Venus is much closer to the Earth and also nearer the Sun, causing its clouds to be lit more intensely.

A pair of binoculars will heighten the conjunctio­n experience, but even a small telescope promises a dramatic view.

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