The Scotsman

No nose rubbing


HOW real are Canon Kenyon Wright’s fears of Westminste­r revenge, possibly even ridicule, if Scotland votes No (your report, 15 August)?

I have to confess, this is part of the dilemma I and many others feel when deciding how to cast our ballot.

The so-called “love bombs strategy” – based on frequent assertions that Scotland is valued in the United Kingdom – may quickly give way to something more sinister.

My concerns are partly based on observing how backbench Conservati­ve MPs behave at Scottish Question Time in the House of Commons. The attitude has been slightly more pleasant as of late, but typically there is frequent bluster about high levels of public expenditur­e north of the Border.

For months after the vote the Labour and Liberal Democrat frontbench spokesmen would be less than human if they avoided the temptation to rub the noses of their SNP critics in it.

I wouldn’t like to put it as crudely as “You voted to stay British, Jock, now accept the consequenc­es”, but I think a variation of that theme will be quite common.

The issue of highly reduced public expenditur­e in Scotland after a No vote has to be seen as a very real prospect.

In terms of costs and benefits, and living standards generally, this will outweigh the attraction of the limited new powers on the way through the Scotland Act 2012.

Canon Kenyon Wright’s reservatio­ns may appear negative, but it is a real enough factor in determinin­g our choice on 18 September.

BOB TAYLOR Shiel Court Glenrothes

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