The Scotsman

Report into Savile sex abuse at BBC is delayed


PUBLICATIO­N of Dame Janet Smith’s report into how Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall carried out campaigns of abuse over decades at the BBC has been postponed at the request of the Metropolit­an Police.

The report, which was compiled after the investigat­ion interviewe­d 375 witnesses in connection with Savile and more than 100 about Hall, was due to be published in the second half of this month.

A statement released yesterday by the review team said the report was “now finished”.

It went on: “However, the Metropolit­an Police has told the review that it is concerned that publicatio­n of the report now could prejudice its ongoing investigat­ions into sexual abuse.

“As a result, Dame Janet has taken the decision that publicatio­n of the report (and its delivery to the BBC) should be delayed. The BBC is aware of, and accepts, this decision.

“The decision to delay publicatio­n has been made reluctantl­y. Dame Janet recognises that a further delay will be of particular disappoint­ment to victims of Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall whose accounts are in the report and other witnesses before the review, to all of whom she is very grateful.

“However, it is important that the police’s investigat­ions should not be prejudiced.”

It added: “Publicatio­n will take place as soon as possible.”

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