The Scotsman

Logic rules


REGARDING as imbeciles those with whose opinions one disagrees does not open the door to a broader understand­ing of relevant issues.

While David Cameron would like to persuade the general public that SNP MPS would seek to “wreck” Westminste­r government, and many like Colin Hamilton (Letters, 30 April) appear to believe him, the fact is that SNP leaders realise that a responsibl­e and constructi­ve approach by their MPS will over time work in favour of achieving their longterm aim of independen­ce.

One need only dispassion­ately consider the SNP’S success at Holyrood to appreciate that its competence in government consigned to historical archives the “doom and gloom” stories of anti-devolution campaigner­s as well as the prediction­s of those who foresaw the demise of the SNP with devolution of government to Scotland.

The alarming news for Mr Hamilton and those who wish to sustain an already failing Union irrespecti­ve of its further decline, is that polls indicate that the Scottish electorate is not predominan­tly composed of imbeciles but of thoughtful individu-perhaps als who by applying sound logic and basic common sense have determined that Scotland’s immediate interests are best served by a strong SNP presence at Westminste­r.

Radically reforming both the voting system and the second chamber of government to further real democracy throughout the UK may delay the day Scotland declares independen­ce but such prudent and principled actions led by the SNP will eventually inspire confidence in the people of Scotland to take full control of their own destiny. STAN GRODYNSKI Longniddry East Lothian

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