The Scotsman


Your life in the stars


ARIES 21 Mar - 20 Apr

Drifting through this week, at times feels a little surreal. There seems to be nothing to pin you down. Good but unsettling.

LEO 23 Jul - 22 Aug

A healthy outlook has to include spending less time with negative people. You’ll feel better once you identify the culprits.

SAGITTARIU­S 22 Nov - 21 Dec

If you want romance, waiting for someone else to make the first move is futile. There are times when you seem unapproach­able.

TAURUS 21 Apr - 20 May

Do you have the right person by your side? If not, look for them. Speak your mind about what you want in the future.

VIRGO 23 Aug - 21 Sep

Use wit and wisdom to get your point across. Others will be more willing to listen if you are confident and decisive.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec - 20 Jan

Get out and play, enjoy nature, spend a little and love a lot. Life is nowhere nearly as complicate­d as you think.

GEMINI 21 May - 20 Jun

There are those who expect you to be very serious this week. Well, disappoint them and make sure you have some fun.

LIBRA 22 Sep - 22 Oct

It’s time to help out colleagues and be prepared to change a long-held attitude. You may have been wrong all along.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan - 18 Feb

With everything slipping into place, it seems that you are on a roll. Try to avoid anything distractin­g or disruptive.

CANCER 21 Jun - 22 Jul

Counting the things that are really important is an eye-opener. Put more into those relationsh­ips and reap the rewards.

SCORPIO 23 Oct - 21 Nov

Be an achiever, not a whinger. Wanting something to happen and being constantly frustrated is not fun.

PISCES 19 Feb - 20 Mar

Change anything you can this week that will make you feel fresher. Younger people can show you how to have some fun.

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