The Scotsman



MSPS are seeking views on how proposed new powers over welfare should be used to design a benefits system in Scotland.

Holyrood’s Welfare Reform Committee has launched an inquiry into the aspects of social security recommende­d for devolution in the Smith Commission report. These include disability living allowance, personal you to mitigate the reduction tax credits.”

Mr Murray said that Labour’s amendments would implement the recommenda­tions of the cross-party Smith Commission in spirit and in substance.

He said: “This wide-ranging power effectivel­y gives the Scottish Parliament the power to design their own welfare system.

“However unlike others, we are determined to ensure the welfare state remains an integrated

in independen­ce payments, carer’s allowance, the work programme and work choice.

The Scotland Bill, designed to implement the recommenda­tions, is currently making its way through Westminste­r, with both Labour and the SNP calling on the UK government to go further.

Submission­s can be made until 28 August. Uk-wide system of social security to allow for the continued pooling and sharing of risks and pooling and sharing of resources.”

Backing Mr Murray’s amendment, SNP work and pensions spokeswoma­n Eilidh Whiteford said that the UK government needed to “live up to the spirit and letter of the Smith Commission”.

She said: “We’ve seen repeatedly how people, the most

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