The Scotsman

Pro-life MPS want Holyrood to control abortion

Women’s rights groups oppose move on ‘moral maze’ issue


A GROUP of pro-life MPS have launched a bid to give the Scottish Parliament the power to change abortion law.

A cross-party amendment to the Scotland Bill, signed by three Catholic MPS – Liberal Democrat John Pugh, Tory Fiona Bruce and Labour’s Robert Flello – would devolve powers over abortion north of the Border.

Veteran Tory Sir Edward Leigh, who sits alongside the three MPS on the all-party parliament­ary pro-life group, said Scotland has its own point of view which should be reflected in the Scottish Parliament, particular­ly on “moral maze” issues such as abortion.

The Gainsborou­gh MP, who moved a separate amendment which would devolve powers on abortion and surrogacy, genetics, embryology and other health areas, but suggested he would not push his proposal to a vote, said any “self-respecting parliament” should be allowed to deal with such issues.

SNP MPS joined a group of prolife MPS last night to call for the devolution of abortion to Holyrood despite concerns raised by 13 Scottish women’s and human rights groups.

The final day of the committee stage of the Scotland Bill saw Catholic MPS – Liberal Democrat John Pugh, Tory Fiona Bruce and Labour’s Robert Flello – put down an amendment to devolve powers over abortion north of the Border.

Veteran Tory Sir Edward Leigh, who sits alongside the three MPS on the all-party parliament­ary pro-life group, put down a second amendment arguing that Scotland has its own point of view which should be reflected in the Scottish Parliament, particular­ly on “moral maze” issues such as abortion.

However, despite the SNP confirming they would back the amendments, they were both set to be pulled at the last minute after opposition from both Tory and Labour leadership­s meant they faced almost certain defeat.

Sir Edward said: “I would have thought a self-respecting parlia- ment can and should be trusted to deal with abortion, especially as I understand that the Scottish Parliament already deals with assisted dying.”

Dr Pugh, the MP for Southport, said that “Scottish parliament­arians [in Holyrood] have proved themselves eminently capable of debating complex moral issues” over the right to die.

But the 13 organisati­ons, led by Emma Ritch, the executive director of Engender, an organisati­on which campaigns for equal rights for women, highlighte­d the situation in Northern Ireland, where more restrictiv­e abortion laws have led to women travelling to mainland Britain for terminatio­ns.

Also signing the statement were Scottish Women’s Aid, Zero Tolerance, Rape Crisis Scotland, the National Union of Students Scotland, Close the Gap, YWCA Scotland, the Scottish Women’s Convention, Women’s Support Project, Scotland Amnesty Internatio­nal, the Human Rights Consortium Scotland, the Scottish TUC and Abortion Rights Committee Scotland.

They said: “Our concern is that this strategy of hasty devolution is being used in order to argue for regressive measures and, in turn, a differenti­al and discrimina­tory impact on women and girls in Scotland.”

However, SNP Glasgow South MP Stewart Mcdonald said that the claim that there was “a choice between Nationalis­m and feminism” was “a false choice and offensive”.

He said he could “understand the concerns” of the 13 organisati­ons but disagreed with their assessment.

He insisted that the record on debates on right to die, ending the section 28 ban on teaching homosexual­ity in schools and equal marriage showed that Holyrood “is now a mature parliament”. He said: “We want to make progress on this.”

There had been claims, which have been denied, that the SNP privately supported Labour in removing the devolution of abortion from the Smith Commission proposals because of the potential for pressure for a more conservati­ve law.

He added: “Progress is never made by not taking control of the tough and important issues.”

The Labour leadership opposed the move because of the concerns that it could lead to a more conservati­ve law in Scotland.

Shadow Scottish secretary Ian Murray said: “A woman’s right to choose should be based on medical evidence and not by where they live.”

He said the party “agreed with the 13 organisati­ons from Scotland which had raised fears about the consequenc­es of devolving abortion”.

He added: “We have a shared concern that this has not been properly consulted on and will harm women’s right to choose.”

Scottish Secretary David Mundell also made it clear that the Conservati­ves would oppose immediate devolution of abortion because it is subject to discussion­s between the UK and Scottish government­s.

He said: “We do not consider it is appropriat­e to devolve abortion at this time.”

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