The Scotsman

Parents should be given a

It’s time for politician­s in Scotland to stand up to the secularist education establishm­ent argues David Robertson


TONY Blair once issued the mantra “education, education, education”. It seems as though Scotland’s political parties are beginning to wake up to the fact that all is not well in Scotland’s education system. There is a real and well-founded concern about declining standards, lack of aspiration and above all a kind of educationa­l apartheid which means that if you are rich enough you can either send your child to a private school (as do one third of Edinburgh parents) or buy a house in the catchment area of a “good” school.

As well as the cold facts and figures there are the ongoing stories which indicate a failing system. I think of a brilliant German lecturer who gave up her career to become a secondary school teacher only to give up in despair after a year of what she termed glorified babysittin­g. Or the primary school teacher who, after her first year, became disillusio­ned because the local education authority moved teachers around more as a paper exercise and without apparent awareness of local conditions and the needs of the teachers and pupils. Or another who resigned after being assaulted for the third time – by primary pupils! The lack of parental involvemen­t, the remodeling of schools into centres for social engineerin­g rather than education, the low morale amongst many teachers, and the obsession of politician­s with figures and targets, are all indication­s of a struggling system. So what is the solution? Perhaps we should swallow our pride and consider what other nations do.

The United Nations Charter on Human Rights declares in Article 26 that “everyone has the right to education”’ and that “education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamenta­l stages”. It also states as an absolute principle that “parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children”.

The ECHR Protocol 1 Article 2, states “in the exercise of any functions which it assumes in relation to education and teaching, the state shall respect the rights of parents to ensure such education and teaching in conformity with their own religious and philosophi­cal conviction­s”. Although this is now part of the Human Rights Act which the government wants to abolish, there is an opt out which Britain has which states that the government recognises this “only so far as it is compatible with the provision of efficient instructio­n and training, and the avoidance of unreasonab­le public expenditur­e”.

But the question is whether the current system does provide the most efficient instructio­n and training. And it certainly does not allow choice. The Scottish state education system with its one-size-fits-all mantra is driven by a centrist secularist ideology which means that for most parents we simply do not have the choice that is our right. For a country that desires to be “progressiv­e”, it seems that we are ignoring what other progressiv­e countries do.

In the Netherland­s, for example, more than two thirds of government-funded schools are independen­t, most of them Catholic or Protestant schools. Why could such a system not exist here? At the launch of the new Solas magazine in Edinburgh, it was clear that the people present, politician­s, church leaders and others, recognised the importance of this issue. We believe that there is an overwhelmi­ng need for it and that if politician­s would just break away from the straitjack­et of their ideologies, the EIS and local education authoritie­s, and instead engage with some creative thinking, they would be able to do great good for Scotland’s pupils.

The recent attempt to whip up anti-creationis­t hysteria was not so much a concern about the teaching

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