The Scotsman

Film festival


I AM sure that your film reviewer Alistair Harkness thought he was being insightful in his review of the Edinburgh Internatio­nal Film Festival (EIFF) film Scottish Mussel with his comments (27 June).

As artistic director of the EIFF I have no qualms with any opinion being offered on our films (such views are always subjective after all, and in the case of Scottish Mussel we were aiming to add to our perspectiv­e of showing a broad range of new local cinema and, despite his assertions, it was a popular choice with paying audiences) but I think he oversteppe­d the mark by implying that it had been selected because the festival’s senior programmer Niall Greig Fulton has a small role in the film.

As a film critic of more than 30 years, working for many leading internatio­nal film journals, I know that a newspaper section titled “film review” should do just that – debate the qualities of the film.

Instead Alistair used his final paragraph to cast aspersions not only on Niall (who had no involvemen­t in the choice of this film whatsoever) but also me in suggesting a lack of integrity on my part in adding the film to the festival’s programme.

I alone am responsibl­e for the film choices and had Alistair had the profession­al grace to make a simple phone call I could have explained to him how festival programmin­g works, something he clearly knows nothing about, despite feeling qualified to pass comment in print.

What is slightly more worrying is that he made a similar comment about Niall with regards a film in last year’s festival, before my time as artistic director. Yes, it was a year ago, but since we are an annual festival this does tend to hint that he has

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