The Scotsman

Flaming brilliant

Make your barbecue a scorching success by following a few golden rules, says Craig Hart executive chef at Edinburgh’s Sheraton Grand

- @craigharty­23

During the summer most of us are likely to be invited to at least one barbecue, everhopefu­l the rain will stay away and we can enjoy some tasty chargrille­d food with family and friends. For those with hosting duties, following a few simple steps will help ensure a tasty outcome.

Prior to starting, ensure your workstatio­n is fully set up with all your ingredient­s, cooking utensils and sauces. Before you fire up the barbecue, check it’s clean then preheat in advance of cooking. If the grates are dirty or not hot enough, the food will stick to them.

You should always have two different heat zones: start cooking on a hot side (by placing more coals towards the back of the barbecue) to seal the meat and lock in the flavours. Once the meat is seared, move it to a cooler side (a section at the front, with fewer coals) to slowly cook. A common mistake is burning the meat on the outside, while it’s still raw in the middle. By cooking the meat slowly, and turning it often, you will cook it through properly.

Marinating the food in advance will also enhance the flavour. You can whip up a very simple marinade using a mix of chilli flakes, ground cumin, fresh oregano, sea salt and ground black pepper. Rub this into the meat three hours before cooking to allow the flavours to set in. Serve your burgers and sausages alongside a range of side dishes such as potatoes, salads and grilled vegetables and make sure everyone has a fruity cocktail or a refreshing beer in their hand.

Every Saturday from 1-5pm throughout the summer, Hart hosts a barbecue on the One Square Terrace. To book call 0131-221 6422, www.onesquaree­


8 large king prawns 1 mango 20ml rapeseed or olive oil 5g ginger 5g garlic 1 red chilli juice of 2 limes 1 tbsp chopped coriander


1kg chuck beef 145g pork fat 7g garlic, crushed 58g fresh breadcrumb­s 80g shallots, finely chopped seasoning to taste 6 brioche buns, cut open 1 large tomato, sliced 1 pack baby gem lettuce 120g (per burger) Smoked Cuddy’s Cave cheese, sliced 400g heritage potatoes (or potatoes of your choice) 5g wholegrain mustard 15ml white wine vinegar 45ml rapeseed or olive oil 1 tbsp chopped parsley


4 bananas 4 cinnamon sticks 500g natural yoghurt 165g caster sugar 175g fruit purée (based on your preference – eg strawberri­es, blueberrie­s, raspberrie­s)

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