The Scotsman

Water world

Ponds are a wonderful addition to a garden, but they need care to look their best, says Hannah Stephenson


In our increasing­ly urban landscape, ponds not only provide a place of solace and relaxation, but also a fantastic haven for wildlife. Yet they are not as lowmainten­ance as you might think, particular­ly in summer when it’s vital to strike and maintain a good balance to keep plants healthy and water fresh.

If you have recently installed a pond in your garden and it’s looking a bit murky or the plants have started to take over and you can’t see much surface area, it could be time to have a tidy up at the water’s edge.

There are several common weeds which can cause no end of trouble if left to spread. For example, blanket weed, a type of algae can build up into a thick, cotton wool-like mass which will choke the pond if left unchecked.

It can easily get out of control, especially if there aren’t enough marginal and other pond plants, or if nitrogen fertiliser escapes into the pond from the surroundin­g area.

A bit of pond TLC now means you’ll be able to enjoy a calm, soothing water feature for the rest of the season.

Blanket weed needs to be removed regularly by hand. Alternativ­ely, slip a bamboo cane into the water and twirl it around so a big clump comes out in one go. Leave it by the side of the pond for a couple of days to give the pond creatures in it a chance to return to the water, then you can add it to the compost heap.

Another common pond pain is duckweed. It has two small leaves floating on the surface and short trailing roots. If left to its own devices, it will soon multiply, forming mats that smother the pond; skim it off regularly with a fishing net.

In the height of summer your pond will be in need of oxygen – especially if you have fish – and you may well need to top it up to replace the water that’s evaporated. If your fish are at the surface gasping for air, spray the water surface with a fine shower from the hosepipe, it helps oxygenate the water faster.

If you want to keep your water clear, it’s best to cover half the surface with enough marginal plants and water lilies, or other water plants. You may also need to install a small underwater pump, which will aerate the water. If the plants start to look untidy, deadhead and cut them as necessary.

Water plants tend to grow rapidly in summer – and some will need thinning out. Canadian pondweed (Elodea canadensis), for example,

 ??  ?? A pond can be a great focal point, top; ensure your pond is oxygenated enough to support the fish living in it, above
A pond can be a great focal point, top; ensure your pond is oxygenated enough to support the fish living in it, above
 ??  ??

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