The Scotsman

Reality TV heads for remote West Coast beach


A remote beach on the West Coast has been chosen for the latest survival reality TV series.

Cul na Croise Bay will welcome 24 participan­ts in Channel 4’s series Eden, where they will spend a year fending for themselves, hunting for food, growing crops and building shelter – all on camera. The programme begins in March on the Ardnamurch­an peninsula.

Donald Houston, who owns the Ardnamurch­an Estate, north-west of the village of Acharacle, said: “The film company first approached us around 18 months ago. We laughed and thought they were completely mad at first, as we know how challengin­g the landscape is around here and it seemed impoossibl­e people could survive on their own.

“The areas they have chosen have been uninhabite­d for many years. We know people lived there in the Bronze Age, but, as people have gradually become less self-sufficient, they have left for more accessible areas.”

He added: “It can get very wet and windy here, which will make it difficult to build shelter and to find food. The weather will be a big issue, and the land is not very fertile for growing crops. There are a few more sheltered areas on the sites but they will need to find them.”

Channel 4 confirmed they are still casting for the show. An online advert states: “Are you tired of modern life? Would you like to start all over again?”

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