The Scotsman

Radical plan required if the nation is to re-imagine how we think

Nigel Farage has stirred up emotions, now its time to ask what sort of debate we have here, writes Jim Duffy


Last week I wrote in this newspaper on the explosive subject of Nigel Farage. I suggested that Mr Farage should step aside as his work was done. He was a disruptor who had changed a nation. He has achieved his vision and it is up to others to deal with the will of the people. He has indeed hung up his spurs it would appear. Although, I’m not so sure…

But writing about Mr Farage comes with issues in Scotland. Sure, he is labelled a Marmite politician – divisive and disruptive. One either enjoys listening to his gravelly, posh English voice or it grinds. One either enjoys his upbeat presentati­on style or it cheeses you off as showmanshi­p. He has been referred to as a racist – and we cannot forget that poster that many view as encouragin­g hatred while raising great doubts about immigratio­n policy.

For the record, I do not think Nigel Farage is a racist in any way, shape or form. He hails from that part of the English psyche that we in Scotland resent and do not identify with – the shires. He is not a Londoner, not metropolit­an, but more plus fours, clay pigeon shooting and real ale. However, he has created a debate and it is stirring up huge emotion in the aftermath. But, despite this, we need to cut through the emotion and ask ourselves what kind of debate we want in Scotland as there is now the distinct possibilit­y of Indyref2.

This is at the heart of the matter now for me… It worries me, really worries me and motivates me at the same time. I have done two interviews this week on what Brexit means for new businesses and enterprise in general. I say what I believe and it’s just one man’s opinion, then the interview always turns to my perspectiv­e now on whether Scotland should push for full blown independen­ce and where do I sit. It is at this moment that I get a little nervous. Indeed, I feel I have to watch what I say in case I am labelled in a certain way. And that’s what’s worrying me.

I recall the last Indyref. I recall internet trolls, so called Cybernats on one side, for instance, and some deeply disturbing anecdotes of mildy threatenin­g behaviour from all sides. I recall some business leaders standing up for one side or the other and getting a rough time as a consequenc­e. I recall private conversati­ons where people were being told that – come the revolution – people would not forget how they voted or whom they supported. It was not a pleasant time as we sought to change the shape of our nation. So, what have we learned?

What are we learning right now from Westminste­r? What are we learning about the shape of voters in England and how we manage the shifting sands in young and old, Generation X and Generation Y? Those who have final salary pensions and those who probably have no hope or ambition to have a pension. Those who have properties that are now mortgage free having paid them religiousl­y for 25 years and those who have trouble simply getting on the property ladder. It’s all bubbling away right in front of us.

If, and I stress if, Scotland goes for the decider – and surely it will be this time – what kind of debate will we be offered by our politician­s? What have they learned from the shenanigan­s of Brexit? There is no doubt whatsoever that Scotland did not want to leave Europe. It was loud and clear. Transition­ing this into an independen­t Scotland will not be so easy. But, here is my suggestion for all involved should it come to pass: involve everyone and

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