The Scotsman

Fresh chapter for Scotland’s libraries as they evolve in digital age

● Book borrowing falls, but position as a civic resource remains strong


The number of books borrowed from Scotland’s libraries fell by around 3.2 million in just three years, with the number of people who took home at least one item a year dropping by around 75,000 over the same period.

But for Pamela Tulloch, chief executive officer for Scottish Library Informatio­n Council (SLIC), the figures show only part of the picture, given that libraries are evolving to satisfy today’s digital habits while remaining the most popular civic resource in Scotland.

Crucially for Ms Tulloch, digital access to library services has vastly increased with 13.5 million “virtual visits” made in 2014-15 – up 3.7 million over three years.

Ms Tulloch said: “There is a whole lot of opportunit­y out there for libraries in Scotland. I don’t see the statistics as showing a huge barrier to people participat­ing in what libraries can now offer. What we have seen is a change in the way people use libraries.

“Don’t forget we have got 28 million visitors coming through the door every year, That is a footfall that most commercial organisati­ons would give their back teeth for.”

Major work continues to reorientat­e the “book warehouses” of old into creative, learning environmen­ts where digital access to informatio­n and services is fast and effective.

All of Scotland’s 600 or so public libraries are now fitted with wi-fi, with the Scottish Government freeing up an extra £1.4 million of funding following the publicatio­n of Scotland’s first national strategy last June.

With the rapid growth in online library services, such as newspaper archives, encycloped­ias and the hiring of e-books, librarians will also become “champions of freedom of informatio­n and free expression”, according to the national strategy and have a key role in making people are using technology effectivel­y.

Meanwhile, it is anticipate­d more people will visit libraries over the next four years to take part in learning and creative programmes rather than to borrow materials.

SLIC recently signed an agreement with BBC Scotland, for example, to provide two learning programmes for young people. One will focus on digital skills and creativity while the other will promote books and literacy.

Macmillan Cancer Support and Citizens Advice Bureau have also been working with libraries in Scotland to ensure clear, unbiased informatio­n is available to the public, with librarians increasing­ly assisting in the “worklessne­ss agenda” by assisting job seekers navigate employment searches and benefit changes.

Ms Tulloch said she believes changes happening now in Scotland’s libraries sit well with the principles of Dunfermlin­e-born philanthro­pist Andrew Carnegie, who financed more than 3,000 public libraries in the UK and US.

She said: “Andrew Carnegie’s ethos was about self-improvemen­t for the common man, and while we may not use those terms any more we have stuck very closely to him aims on health and wellbeing. Now, it is about providing that in a 21st century context.

“Libraries are there for everyone and I think very few people could travel through life without using one.”

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 ??  ?? 0 Book borrowing levels have fallne, but libraries are still a crucial resource for many, including for digital-based services
0 Book borrowing levels have fallne, but libraries are still a crucial resource for many, including for digital-based services
 ??  ?? 0 Pamela Tulloch: Changes in how people use libraries
0 Pamela Tulloch: Changes in how people use libraries

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