The Scotsman

Harrison Ford ‘could have been killed’ in Star Wars on-set accident

● Production company admits breaching health and safety laws


A film production company has admitted health and safety breaches after an incident in which Hollywood star Harrison Ford was crushed by a hydraulic door on the set of the Millennium Falcon spaceship while filming the latest Star Wars movie.

Ford, who was knocked to the ground and pinned down by the heavy door, could have been killed in the incident as he rehearsed during shooting for Star Wars: The Force Awakens at Pinewood Studios in Buckingham­shire on 12 June, 2014, a court heard.

The then 71-year-old was reprising his role as Han Solo when he was hit by the door, which had been designed to mimic the action of a door on the original set. Foodles Production (UK) Ltd, which is owned by Disney, admitted two breaches under health and safety law.

Prosecutin­g at Milton Keynes Magistrate­s’ Court, Andrew Marshall said that Ford had gone through the door with another actor and hit a button.

He started to walk back through the door, believing the set was not live and that it would not close.

But the court heard it was remotely operated by another person, and that as the star passed underneath it he was hit in the pelvic area and pinned to the ground.

0 Harrison Ford was crushed by a hydraulic door on the set of The Force Awakens at Pinewood Studios

Mr Marshall said there was a “risk of death”, saying: “It could have killed somebody. The fact that it didn’t was because an emergency stop was activated.”

The actor was severely injured and left with a broken left leg in the incident, and was airlifted to hospital in Oxford.

Mr Marshall said the circumstan­ces created a risk of death and had the emergency stop button not been pressed the situation could have “eventuated differentl­y”.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) said the the power of the rapidly closing metal- framed door meant Ford was hit with a power comparable to the weight of a small car.

Ford himself talked about the incident during an appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show before Christmas. He said in the original film a door would have been closed with a pulley and a stage hand. “But now we had lots of money and technology and so they built a f ****** great hydraulic door which closed at light speed,” he said.

Foodles pleaded guilty to one count under section two of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, which related to a breach of duty in relation to employees,andasecond­undersecti­on three, a breach over people not employed by the company.

Two further charges, under Regulation 3(1) of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation­s 1999, and one under Regulation 11(1) of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulation­s 1998 were both withdrawn as the facts will be incorporat­ed into the two admitted breaches.

The company will be sentenced at Aylesbury Crown Court over the breaches, expected to happen on 22 August.

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