The Scotsman

Fair pension age


The Trade Union Congress has recently revealed findings that indicate one in eight workers find themselves having to give up work before their official retirement age due to ill health or disability, plunging many into poverty.

Those findings are very timely considerin­g this week sees the Scottish Government gaining power of Disability Benefits. No one should be surprised by those findings, but we must address the urgency and needs of them.

Taking occupation­s into considerat­ion when considerin­g the increase to state pension age is a must, especially as the state pension age is scheduled to increase even more by 2025. For those who are forced to give up work early, that would be those who have worked mainly in manual labour, including those working outdoors in all weather conditions, like road workers, keeping our road network running, being forced into poverty through no fault of their own, should not be an outcome.

Of course many would say diversifyi­ng employment is a solution, why did those workers not diversify into office jobs etc, a prepostero­us suggestion when they are already exhausted and burnt out. Those making decisions that affect us all in later life/ retirement, (while sitting in their centrally heated rooms) must be realistic and fair when considerin­g the plight of those who keep the country’s infrastruc­ture running or is it a case of work till one drops. CATRIONA C CLARK Hawthorn Drive Banknock, Falkirk

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