The Scotsman

Sturgeon pushes for Tory apology


Scottish Conservati­ve leader Ruth Davidson should make an “unreserved apology” after her party appeared to question the participat­ion of European Union citizens in Scottish politics, the First Minister has claimed.

Speaking at First Minister’s Questions yesterday, Nicola Sturgeon said Ms Davidson’s “casual dismissal” of a Tory press office statement about Frenchborn former SNP MSP Christian Allard would lead people to question the character of her party and 0 Ruth Davidson was pressed to apologise for a statement undermine efforts to reassure EU citizens.

Mr Allard had reported Tory MSP Alexander Burnett to the Standards Commission­er for failing to disclose his business interests when raising objections against a rival property developer in the Scottish Parliament. The Tory press office responded with a statement which said: “Some people may find it bizarre that a EU citizen has an interest in a planning applicatio­n in Banchory.

“However, it is easily explained when people understand that the planning consultant in question is an SNP appointee to the Scottish Government housing committee and Christian Allard was a former SNP MSP.”

Mr Allard lives near Banchory in Aberdeensh­ire and represente­d the North-east Scotland region until earlier this year.

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