The Scotsman

Scottish universiti­es criticise exclusion from graduate pilot

- By PARIS GOURTSOYAN­NIS Westminste­r Correspond­ent

Scottish universiti­es have hit out at plans to allow four English institutio­ns – Imperial College London, Oxford, Cambridge and Bath – to evade controvers­ial immigratio­n restrictio­ns on graduates looking for work following their degrees.

The principals of three leading Scottish universiti­es have called on the UK government to extend a pilot designed to encourage more foreign students to come to Britain by allowing them to stay for six months beyond the end of their course.

Universiti­es across the UK were critical of a decision in 2012 to abolish the post-study work visa which allowed graduates to look for work for up to two years.

Theresa May, then Home Secretary, said the move was essential to crack down on bogus colleges and abuse of the immigratio­n system by foreign students.

University of Glasgow principal Anton Muscatelli said: “We support the post-study work visa pilot but would have liked to have seen it extended beyond the south-east of England.

“The University of Glasgow is a global player with students from over 100 different countries enriching campus life and contributi­ng to the local and national economy.

“We deeply regret that a previous visa scheme which permitted internatio­nal students to stay for two years following graduation was scrapped in 2012.”

A spokeswoma­n for Universiti­es Scotland said the organisati­on was “disappoint­ed” by the scale of the pilot, and had made representa­tions to the UK Government asking for the scheme to be expanded to Scotland.

Professors Ferdinand von Prondzynsk­i, the principal of Robert Gordon University, and Sir Ian Diamond, the principal of the University of Aberdeen, wrote in a joint letter yesterday that they were “concerned” by the decision.

The principals said it was “disappoint­ing that this will apply only to a small number of English universiti­es”.

“Considerin­g the political consensus in Scotland in favour of the reintroduc­tion of such a visa, the exclusion of Scottish universiti­es from this pilot scheme is a missed opportunit­y,” their letter states.

Debating the measure this week in the House of Lords, former First Minister Lord Mcconnell said the decision was “a slap in the face for Scottish higher education,” while fellow Labour peer Lord Foulkes said it was an “absolute disgrace” that would “help towards the break-up of the United Kingdom”.

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