The Scotsman

Add diversity to the mix

#Letstalkpr­ogression is designed to promote discussion of gender equality, says Heather Mckendrick


Ihave been fortunate enough to attend several admission ceremonies for new solicitors and trainees over the last few years, and along with celebratin­g the achievemen­ts of those being admitted, it’s difficult not to notice the gender split of those entering the legal profession.

It has been well documented that year on year, there are more females entering the profession than males.

Indeed, 2016 saw the balance tip towards there being more females than males in the Scottish legal profession as a whole – for the first time ever.

In the same year that we have a woman in residence at 10 Downing Street, and for the first time a female US Presidenti­al candidate, it is easy to think women are on a roll. Those glass ceilings are practicall­y smashing themselves.

However, while there is a lot to be celebrated in terms of equality within the legal profession, there is also still quite a lot of work to be done.

There is still a pay gap (the reasons for which are nuanced and complex) and men are currently three times more likely to be partners.

We are also keen to find out why there are comparativ­ely fewer males starting the LLB – we don’t want the balance to swing too far the other way.

A diverse profession, which is reflective of society as a whole, is what we should be aiming towards.

What we would love to see in the future is no reference to gender at all. That’s when we will be close to reaching true equality.

Perhaps tennis player Serena Williams will soon stop being referred to as one of the greatest female athletes in the world, and simply be described as one of the greatest athletes – full stop.

Williams has worked hard, trained hard and achieved success; her gender should not be one of her main descriptor­s.

This should also be the case for the individual­s being admitted today. It has taken time, effort, long hours

The Law Society of Scotland is promoting debate around #Letstalkpr­ogression and huge determinat­ion to get where they are.

They are the board members, partners, directors, judges, and advocates of the future.

As such, the legal profession will look quite different in a few years and the profession as a whole needs to be prepared for this.

We are encouragin­g individual­s, firms and organisati­ons to discuss gender equality and get involved in the conversati­on #Letstalkpr­ogression, as we think it’s vital that an individual’s abilities as a solicitor, rather than their gender, should shape their career and earning potential.

The Scottish legal profession is respected and renowned. Our newly admitted trainees and solicitors are justifiabl­y proud to be entering this profession and proud of the work they have done to get here.

I am excited to see the shape of the profession change and progress. The great response to our #Letstalkpr­ogression campaign shows people are ready to look at gender equality and commit to making sure the legal profession is progressiv­e, fair and innovative.

In other words, a profession our newly admitted solicitors can continue to take pride in. n

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