The Scotsman

MPS urged to take tough stance on IT fiasco probe


With the Scottish Government officials involved in commission­ing the flawed IT system for delivering farm support payments due to give evidence to the Scottish parliament’s public audit committee later this morning, NFU Scotland yesterday urged MSPS to give them a good grilling.

And the union called on the interrogat­ors to establish whether the IT system would ever be fit for purpose and be capable of delivering payments accurately and on time in the future.

The Scottish Government’s common agricultur­al policy (CAP) futures programme – the IT programme which has struggledt­odeliversu­pportpayme­nts to farmers and crofters – has already come in for severe criticism, not least in a damning report produced by Audit Scotland.

Union president Allan Bowie said that deep flaws within the futures programme had placed the whole rural economy in jeopardy last spring.

“Audit Scotland has questioned whether the CAP futures programme will ever be fit for purpose and this evidence session provides MSPS with an opportunit­y to drill down on the reasons for that failure and for key Scottish Government officials to identify what is being done to rectify the failings,” he said.

Stating that the IT system was responsibl­e for the tens of millions still missing from the rural economy, he said that it was totally unacceptab­le that technical glitches still meant officials were unable to give those still waiting on payments unambiguou­s answers on why this was so – or to give them a clear timetable for when their payment would be received.

He added that even those who had received payments were still without any details explaining how these had been calculated – vital informatio­n for tax and accounting purposes.

Bowie said that the union had welcomed last week’s announceme­nt that national loans would

0 Farmers across Scotland are missing out on their cash be used to make partial payments to farmers in November: “However, it must be acknowledg­ed that this measure, however welcome, is an admission that the IT system is still incapable of delivering CAP funds in a timely and effective manner for the 2016 payment run.

“This evidence session provides an opportunit­y for MSPS to identify what is being done to address that.”

Bowie also called for those who had been caught up at the tail end of last year’s payment log-jam not to suffer the same fate again.

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