The Scotsman

Sir Cliff seeks ‘substantia­l’ damages


Sir Cliff Richard has suffered “profound and long-lasting” damage after being publicly named as a suspected sex offender, lawyers say.

The singer is suing the BBC and South Yorkshire Police in the wake of publicity about a police raid on his home – and says the BBC added “insult to injury” by entering its coverage in a “Scoop of the Year” journalism contest.

Detail of Sir Cliff’s complaints have emerged in paperwork lodged by his lawyers at the High Court in London pending the start of any court hearings.

Lawyers say Sir Cliff has sold theapartme­ntwhichwas­raided because the prospect of living somewhere which had been “so publicly violated” distressed him.

They say the furore threw his “creative and business plans” into disarray – and forced him to delay the release of an album of “Rock ‘n’ Roll classics”. And they say he has already run up more than £1 million in lawyers’ bills.

South Yorkshire Police said on Wednesday that bosses had apologised to the singer for distress and anxiety caused.

Sir Cliff ’s lawyers have filed written “particular­s of claim”.

Paperwork shows that the 76-year-old singer is suing the BBC and South Yorkshire Police in the wake of a raid at his apartment in Sunningdal­e, Berkshire, in August 2014.

He is alleging that his privacy was invaded and wants “very substantia­l” damages.

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