The Scotsman

New baby boxes lack vital ingredient


Nicola Sturgeon expressed her determinat­ion during the Holyrood election campaign that every child born in Scotland should get “the very best start in life”.

What would really boost a newborn’s chances is being breastfed, and yet, as Labour highlights today, informatio­n and materials about the practice will be missing from the Scottish Government’s new baby box scheme.

The party says this is a missed opportunit­y, and we would agree.

That is not to say the baby box is a flawed idea – we welcome the initiative. The box, which will include clothes and nappies, is designed to provide the essentials for a new baby, and is sure to be a help to some – although whether it needs to be universall­y issued is open to debate.

However, given the scientific evidence which shows the advantages of breast feeding, and the efforts that maternity wards put into encouragin­g new mothers to breastfeed, the baby box does seem an appropriat­e place to carry that message.

Breastfeed­ing can be incredibly hard for some women, and rates are as low as 15 per cent in some areas of Scotland.

Of course, a printed piece of paper is no substitute for the encouragem­ent and guidance of a nurse, midwife or health visitor – nothing like it.

Informatio­n on breastfeed­ing may be ignored, rejected or simply discarded. But no pointer in the right direction can be considered a waste of time, even if only a fraction of mothers follow the message.

Even though the boxes are to be rolled out within days, it’s never too late to make an addition to their contents.

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