The Scotsman




Bank of England governor Mark Carney appeared before the Treasury select committee yesterday. @Public_pers was not convinced by Mr Carney’s comments about the risks of Brexit, tweeting: “Can only assume that #Markcarney has been nobbled by the Govt if he’s now claiming #Brexit poses more danger to the rest of the EU than us.” @Libtard87 agreed, saying: “44% of our trade is with the EU & 8% of their trade is with us, so how are #Brexit risks greater for the EU?” @Emzpinder tweeted: “please tell us something that won’t surprise us other than you changing your mind or try apologisin­g.” @Evapascoe said: “3m #retail jobs are increasing under risk, with online shift #Markcarney notes lifelong learning as an answer.”


Prime Minister Theresa May went face-to-face in the House with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn for the first time this year. @Bethrigby said tweeted: “The first #PMQS of 2017 like a re-run of 2015 election. Labour attacking on #NHS and the Tories rebuke; Labour would destroy the economy.” @iainmartin­1 said Corbyn had failed to impress, saying: “Labour opposition leader won’t get more of an open goal than NHS and social care crisis. And bumbling Corbyn still made little of it.” @Mhairiblac­k posted: “PM true to form providing no answers on Brexit and the Scottish Gvt’s proposals. Dennis Skinner rightly labels her ‘Tedious Theresa’.” @Mattturner­4l said: “Theresa May launched an attack on the Red Cross in #PMQS instead of admitting her government has left the NHS in a state of emergency.”


Yesterday was Internatio­nal Thank You Day, with the NHS and Britain’s special constables among those highlighte­d for praise. @Gullis4sw said: “Thank you to our Armed Forces, Police, NHS, Fire Service and many more who give so much to protect and help us.” @Greg_jenner posted: “I’d like to say thanks to all NHS staff who work so hard, with so much pressure, but always retain their humanity.” @Elainer47 was in tune with Abba fans, tweeting: “So I say, thank you for the Music, the song I’m singing. Thanks for all the joy you’re bringing” Quite.

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