The Scotsman

Take a letter


SNP apologist, Mary Thomas’ logic appears as dodgy as her arithmetic (Letters, 9 January). After informing us unquestion­ingly that the SNP essentiall­y is perfect in every respect, she tells us that because the SNP leads in opinion polls, the nationalis­ts shouldn’t be held to account in The Scotsman’s letters pages. Extraordin­ary.

Ms Thomas will doubtless be aware that, regrettabl­y, politics in Scotland is essentiall­y about independen­ce – you’re either for or against, and that principall­y determines how you vote.

Leaving aside the tiny Green party, the SNP attracts all separatist supporters. The prounion vote is split between the Tories, Labour and Libdems. So naturally the SNP win by highly effective divide and rule tactics.

Still, even such a stalwart SNP supporter as Ms Thomas must recognise that the compositio­nofholyroo­d,achieved via proportion­al representa­tion and where Nicola Sturgeon leads merely a minority government, more closely represents the opinion of the people than Scotland’s 59 West- seats, won under a first past the post system.

And perhaps even more telling, on the issue of separatism – the beating heart of the SNP establishm­ent – opinion polls have almost consistent­ly, and for many, many decades, shown a clear majority opposing Ms Sturgeon’s UK break-up dreams.

MARTIN REDFERN Royal Circus, Edinburgh

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