The Scotsman

Trump moves to withdraw US from major internatio­nal trade agreement

- By JULIE PACE in Washington

Donald Trump has moved to pull the United States out of the proposed Trans-pacific Partnershi­p trade pact, fulfilling a campaign promise as he began his first full week in office.

As he signed a notice in the Oval Office, Mr Trump said: “Great thing for the American worker that we just did.”

The new US president also signed memorandum­s freezing most federal government hiring – though he noted an exception for the military – and reinstatin­g a ban on providing federal money to internatio­nal groups which perform abortions or provide informatio­n on the option.

The regulation, known as the “Mexico City Policy”, has been a political volleyball, instituted by Republican administra­tions and rescinded by Democratic ones since 1984.

Following a tumultuous first weekend in office – consumed by Mr Trump’s criticism of the media’s inaugurati­on coverage – the president sought to refocus on the sweeping, yet often vague, promises he made as a candidate.

He campaigned as a fierce opponent of multilater­al trade agreements, particular­ly the 12-nation Pacific Rim deal agreed upon by his predecesso­r, Barack Obama.

Earlier, Mr Trump spoke with business leaders and warned that he would impose a “substantia­l border tax” on companies that move their manufactur­ing out of the United States.

He also promised tax advantages to companies which produce goods domestical­ly.

“All you have to do is stay,” he said during a meeting in the White House’s Roosevelt Room.

President Trump’s comments on trade and the economy came before his communicat­ions director, Sean Spicer, set out the administra­tion’s position on other issues during a press conference.

Mr Spicer reiterated the president’s support for energy projects such as the disputed Dakota Access oil pipeline and said Mr Trump would seek to defend territorie­s that are in internatio­nalwaters,including those in the South China Sea.

He also said President Trump would visit the Pentagon to attend a ceremony for his newly confirmed defence secretary, retired General James Mattis. It is expected Mr Trump will hold discussion­s with Mr Mattis and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to review the fight against Islamic State.

Stressing that the Trump administra­tion’s intention was “never to lie”, Mr Spicer revealed plans to designate four “Skype seats” in the White House briefing room in a bid to open press conference­s to alternativ­e news outlets.

 ??  ?? 0 President Donald Trump shows the Executive Order withdrawin­g the US from the Trans-pacific Partnershi­p after signing it in the Oval Office
0 President Donald Trump shows the Executive Order withdrawin­g the US from the Trans-pacific Partnershi­p after signing it in the Oval Office

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