The Scotsman

Minister updates on Trident

May says she has ‘absolute faith’ in Britain’s nuclear deterrent


Defence Secretary Michael Fallon was yesterday summoned to the House of Commons to provide an update on the Trident nuclear deterrent after reports that a missile veered off course during a test last June.

Mr Fallon repeatedly refused to divulge “operationa­l details” of what happened.

The reports have sparked claims of a “cover-up”.

Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon was summoned to the House of Commons to update MPS on a nuclear missile Trident test amid reports that a missile malfunctio­ned but he repeatedly refused to discuss details of the launch.

He restated the government’s confidence in the “capability and effectiven­ess” of the Trident system. But as he was speaking, CNN reported an unnamed US defence official with direct knowledge of the incident had confirmed the unarmed Trident II D5 missile veered off course after being launched from a Royal Navy submarine off the coast of Florida.

The US official was reported to have said the altered trajectory was part of an automatic self-destruct sequence triggered when missile electronic­s detect an anomaly.

Prime Minister Theresa May has said she has “absolute faith” in Britain’s Trident nuclear deterrent, following reports a missile went off course.

The reports have led to claims of a “cover-up”, as MPS were not told about the June 2016 test when they voted on the £40 billion renewal of the Trident system the following month.

Mrs May confirmed she was informed about the test before addressing MPS ahead of the vote, which came just days after she entered office.

Mrs May said: “I’m regularly briefed on national security issues, I was briefed on successful certificat­ion of HMS Vengeance and her crew.

“We don’t comment on operationa­l details for national security reasons.”

Sir Michael told MPS that a demonstrat­ion and shakedown “concludes each time with an unarmed missile firing”, adding: “HMS Vengeance successful­ly concluded that shakedown operation.”

Labour’s former defence minister Kevan Jones, whose urgent question forced the Defence Secretary to come to the Commons, challenged Sir Michael to confirm that the missile veered off course and explain who ordered a “news blackout” on the test.

Sir Michael responded: “There are very few things that we cannot discuss openly in parliament, but the security of our nuclear deterrent is certainly one of them.

“It has never been the practice of government­s to give parliament details of the demonstrat­ion and shakedown operations.”

He added: “It may well be that earlier government­s in different situations, indeed in more benevolent times, might have take different decisions about how much informatio­n they were prepared to reveal about these particular demonstrat­ion and shake-down operations. But these are not, of course, as benevolent times.”

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0 Michael Fallon was summoned to the Commons

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