The Scotsman

SNP aren’t racists but fighters against British nationalis­m that targets ‘outsiders’


It was deeply disappoint­ing to hear the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, describe the SNP and Scottish nationalis­ts as “racist and bigoted”.

Wrap yourself in the Union flag, isolate yourself, sing Rule Britannia, attack immigratio­n and you are a “patriot”. Seek equality for Scotland in the world, welcome immigrants and seek an inclusive society and you are “racist and bigoted”, no different from the BNP.

Mr Khan, who should know all about racism, especially given the nature of the mayoral election, is a man I have respect for. But he clearly should know better than to describe those in Scotland who vote for the SNP, many being former Labour voters you would naturally expect he would be looking to win back, as racist.

There are, of course, two different types of nationalis­m. The British nationalis­m I have already highlighte­d, that is ethnic in nature, seeking to unite the indigenous population against the perceived threat of outsiders. For all of us in Europe, ethnic nationalis­m casts a long shadow.

Civic nationalis­m, that which is promoted by the SNP, seeks an inclusive society based on where you are, not where you’re from.

People who back independen­ce for Scotland don’t do so because of a hatred of others as Mr Khan thinks. There are many reasons for doing this – a deep concern over increasing British xenophobia, the desire for a more equal and inclusive society, or concerns over the increasing isolation of the UK through Brexit.

Ultimately they seek equality for Scotland in the world, not saying we as a nation are better than any other, but simply wanting to be the same, on an equal footing. This is something Mr Khan is clearly unwilling, or unable, to understand. ALEX ORR Leamington Terrace, Edinburgh Sadiq Khan was very clear in what he meant by the divisivene­ss of nationalis­t politics in general and the Scottish variety in particular. The SNP’S fury is that of all bullies, they hate it when their dirty little secret gets out; in this case across the UK, via a highly respected politician.

There are many examples, all cloaked in an “it wisnae me” veneer of claiming to help the underdog: blaming the problems of the deprived and poor on the rich and “auserity”, “yesser”s and “yoons” (as Salmond now calls No voters) and Scotland v “Westmonste­r” at seemingly every turn, usually to the detriment of proper debate. The whole “Scottishsi­x” saga, including the SNP’S graceless acceptance of a fantastic result, is an example

Khan wisely resisted mentioning the anti-englishnes­s that drives many nationalis­ts. But it does exist.

Nicola Sturgeon’s visits to and wooing of Ireland, and MSP John Mason’s remarks on British soldiers killed in Ireland, don’t help Protestant and Republican relations in the West of Scotland.

It’s the same with their fearmonger­ing among EU citizens regarding their uncertain status in the UK compared to promises of a welcome in an independen­t Scotland.

It is all designed to divide, create resentment and win votes for independen­ce. Sadiq Khan has done us all a favour by legitimisi­ng the topic. ALLAN SUTHERLAND Willow Row, Stonehaven

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