The Scotsman

Surge in migration leads to Scotland’s population figures rising to record levels

● 5.4m live in the country after an influx of 31,700 migrants – and more are wanted

- By TOM PETERKIN Political Editor

Young and well-educated foreign migrants are making Scotland their home, finding employment and have brought the population up to a record level of 5,404,700 people.

Yesterday the Scottish Government said Scotland must attract more migrants of working age to support the economy as new statistics also revealed the extent of Scotland’s increasing­ly ageing population.

Figures released by the National Records of Scotland (NRS) revealed that 18 per cent of people in Scotland are now aged more than 65. Over the past 20 years, the over-75age group has increased by 31 per cent – a rise that has been accompanie­d by a fall of 10 per cent in the number of children under 15.

The NRS report says the trend is partly caused by the ageing of the post war “baby boom” generation and warns the ageing population will increase the pressure on the NHS.

Between June 2015 and June last year the population grew by 31,700 – 22,900 people from overseas and 8,800 from the rest of the UK.

Migration was the key driver for population growth as over the same period the number of deaths exceeded the number NATIONAL RECORDS OF SCOTLAND of births by 800. The 800 figure was offset by other changes (such as to the prison population and to the number of armed forces personnel stationed in Scotland). The peak age for migration into Scotland from overseas is 23.

Data, also released yesterday based on the 2011 census, revealed that 67 per cent of European Economic Area (Eea)-born residents in Scotland aged 16 and over were in employment compared to 58 per cent of the total population of Scotland aged 16 and over. Also, more Eea-born residents in Scotland between 16 and 74 are educated to degree level (46 per cent) compared to 27 per cent for all people aged 16-74 in Scotland.

External affairs secretary Fiona Hyslop said the government would continue to encourage inward migration, adding that it was necessary to grow the working age population.

0 Population movement saw almost 32,000 migrants coming to live in Scotland, a trend welcomed by the government

“The ageing population­willincrea­se the pressure on the NHS”

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