The Scotsman

It’s vital to protect help for women released from jail

New female prison plans are welcome, but what happens when they get out, asks Sandy Cameron


Our politician­s live in a world of constant change and frenetic activity, of plans and pledges, of task forces and initiative­s, of action and gaining momentum.

If you are not moving forward, however, you are not necessaril­y in reverse. Sometimes ministers deserve credit for things undone, for a lack of action, for pressing the pause button when it might have been easier, but not better, to press start.

Justice secretary Michael Matheson’s decision to halt plans for a new women’s prison at Greenock looks better with every month. Quietly sliding the blueprints for a new like-forlike facility to replace Cornton Vale in his bottom drawer was politicall­y tricky but revealed an ambition to change a system doing too little to tackle the criminal behaviour and bad choices of women prisoners or protect communitie­s on their release.

The governor of Cornton Vale, Rhona Hotchkiss, is now steering plans for around five community-based secure units, holding around 20 prisoners each, and two larger facilities at Aberdeen and Cornton Vale, holding 50 and 80 women respective­ly.

Last week, she revealed some more of the thinking behind the strategy at a conference at Stirling University, discussing how best to support mothers in custody and their children.

Many of those there – including former Lord Advocate, Dame Elish Angiolini – noted that the Scottish Prison Service alone cannot be expected to provide the skills, expertise and experience to tackle the complex, challengin­g work of caring for women in prison while also preparing them for new lives and new ways of living when released. Children’s charity Aberlour, for example, expertly supports staff in Cornton Vale’s Mother and Baby Unit and is just one of the third sector organisati­ons, including Sacro, working with prison, health and social services to help women quickly gain a foothold outside prison.

Mentors from our Shine service literally collect women outside the prison to ensure everything is done to quickly settle them into a stable routine. From hard experience, they know those first few hours, days and weeks are crucial for many women, unused or unable to cope with everyday life, if they are not to fall back into old, chaotic routines and, for too many, another sentence.

Community-based secure units will provide a stepchange in how low-risk women prisoners are held in custody and offer clearer opportunit­ies to help them return home better prepared for freedom and with stronger support networks. That will not happen by accident, but by building and bolstering services like Shine with consistent, long-term funding.

This is important, lifechangi­ng work. If we are serious about rehabilita­tion, then it must be planned and supported. Sometimes doing nothing is the best thing to do. When it comes to services capable of turning lives around, curbing reoffendin­g and making communitie­s safer, this is not one of them. ● Sandy Cameron is chairman of Sacro.

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