The Scotsman

Parents accuse university over care failure of abused student

● Student killed herself after being abused by ‘evil’ boyfriend


0 Aberdeen University law student Emily Drouet killed herself after physical and verbal assaults by ‘evil’ boyfriend Angus Milligan The parents of a law student who took her own life after a vicious campaign of abuse at the hands of her “evil” boyfriend have lashed out at Aberdeen University for failing in their “basic duty of care”.

Emily Drouet suffered months of horrific emotional and physical abuse by fellow student Angus Milligan before taking her life in halls of residence at the university on 17 March, 2016.

Milligan, 21, admitted three charges of assaulting the teenager after it was revealed he slapped and choked Emily during the pair’s relationsh­ip and subjected her to vile and obscene verbal abuse.

Speaking to a Sunday newspaper, Emily’s parents Germain and Fiona said Milligan had “robbed them of their lives” and called on universiti­es to do more to protect young women on campus.

“The university of Aberdeen promised to take care of our daughter and it failed her,” said dad Germain.

“We are concerned that universiti­es across the county are failing to take seriously the issue of safety.”

Mum Fiona said Milligan – reportedly a descendant of Andrew Carnegie – had “destroyed their lives”.

She said: “If she had never met Angus Milligan, she would be alive today.”

“Within six months, that man destroyed our daughter and wrecked our lives. He’s just complete evil.

“He was supposed to be her boyfriend but he never took her out or did anything a normal boyfriend would do. He just wore her down.

“Our beautiful daughter became a victim of domestic violence at just 18.”

Mrs Drouet added: “If this can happen to our family then it could happen to another family. I can’t bear the thought of another girl going through this.

“I want my daughter back but that can’t happen. I need to stop this happening to another girl.”

Milligan, a member of a prominent family of Edinburgh lawyers who can count the likes of Fettes College among his alma mater, was described by a fellow student as “an alpha male” and reportedly choked Emily during an unannounce­d visit to her halls just minutes before she committed suicide.

Aberdeen university’s viceprinci­pal, Professor Margaret Ross, said the university was “committed to supporting any students who are experienci­ng difficulti­es,” but admitted a review into student support procedures was under way. man was shot dead in front of his young son in the car park of a busy supermarke­t, police said.

A lone gunman shot the 35-year-old father several times as he targeted him among crowds of shoppers

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