The Scotsman

Why the children’s Laureate is worried for young minds

The Children’s Laureate is worried young minds don’t have any time left to be creative, says Aidan Smith


After last year’s grim reaping of Celebrityl­and – and by the end enough had died to fill a pastiche of the Sgt Pepper album cover – I’d hoped 2017 was going to be kinder. But it could well turn out to be crueller if the trend for taking childhood favourites continues. Mary Tyler Moore was my first crush. John Noakes was the big brother I never had. Now – Bam! Kapow! Urkkk! – Adam West has died. The original Batman was my original hero.

I never got into the comics which begat the 1960s TV series and I didn’t like the movies which followed. In the middle was this Pop Art wonder which, every week, thrust Batman and his sidekick Robin into the middle of a city-in-peril situation and, often, the middle of a baroquely fiendish torture contraptio­n which would have walls closing in on them, literally, or beds of nails or baskets of snakes.

With these deaths, and that of Robert Vaughn from The Man from U.N.C.L.E. last year, prolonged nostalgic reverie has been interrupte­d by the same thought every time: “Bloody hell, I didn’t half watch a lot of TV when I was a boy.” My next thought has been: “I must remember to cut back on the kids’ viewing, chop right through it with the giant circular saw which almost did for Batman.”

For them that would doubtless be torture. Although they wouldn’t actually be strapped down, as Batman so often was, during tellyfree breakfast or the half-hour before bed, the effect would be more or less the same. But help is at hand for my kids and all the other gogglespro­gs. Their own superhero is racing to the rescue and she’s called Lauren Child.

The new Children’s Laureate, who writes and draws the muchloved Charlie and Lola books, has had some fascinatin­g things to say since taking up her post. She’s been critical of parents who “micromanag­e or direct” their children’s lives, either willingly or through peer-pressure.

Some mothers compete over the hecticness of their offspring’s schedules, waving around their iphones in Costa Coffee and flicking the kids’ diary function like it’s the greatest modern boon, when some of us already know that peak technology was reached with the Mobile Bat-computer in the boot of the Batmobile and the car’s Emergency Bat-turn Lever which, with the aid of small parachutes, enabled it to flip round 180 degrees. Other mums and dads, will neverthele­ss feel, according to Child, that “you aren’t a good parent if you are not signing up your child to all sorts of activities or taking them to galleries”.

Without their parents overseeing them all the time, children should have the “freedom to discover” and “be allowed to be creative”, she says. And here’s the really interestin­g bit: Child doesn’t think TV is the enemy of books. Telly inspired her. The little plays she dreamed up as a girl, the interest in dialogue, came from the goggle-box.

Re-running my old Batmans now – they finally became available on DVD a few years ago – it seems unlikely that anyone would have missed the dialogue, the gags, the alliterati­on, the puns, the exclamatio­n marks, the riddles and all the zippy, zappy grooviness of the words.

Of course the thrills, the car chases, the fights, the gadgets and the dayglo colours probably appealed to a nine-year-old first, but the scripts must have made an

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