The Scotsman




Conservati­ve MP John Bercow was duly re-elected by MPS as Speaker of the House of Commons yesterday. @Juliahb1 opined: “Oh god, surely one of the worst outcomes of this election debacle has been the return of John Bercow as Commons Speaker.” @Labour_insider noted: “First indication of Conservati­ve Party weakness in parliament. John Bercow re-elected as Speaker unopposed despite intention to replace him.” @Crashed7 said: “I can’t help liking John Bercow – he has a bit of mischief about him, has a great turn of phrase and even tho he’s a Tory manages to be fair.” @Ljrazaq posted: “John Bercow re-elected as Commons speaker. PM Theresa May jokes: ‘At least someone got a landslide.’ Too soon?”


Lord Buckethead, who stood as a candidate against Theresa May in the General Election, made a fleeting appearance on John Oliver’s satire show, Last Week Tonight, in the US. @jonathanje­wel joked: “Lord Buckethead is on US soil! This is the most exciting British invasion since the Beatles.” @elgray observed: “I love it when John Oliver uses that HBO expense account.” @headgeek66­6 wrote: “I hope some day to shake Lord Buckethead’s hand! Last Week Tonight just magnificen­t absurdist truth.”


Former Tory PM, Sir John Major, cast doubt over the need for the Conservati­ves to strike a deal with the DUP. @campbellcl­aret tweeted: “Very glad that John Major has spoken out about this deal May is doing with the DUP. Wrong in principle and dangerous to the peace process.” @Peterkgeog­hegan posted: “John Major says may could continue w/out a DUP deal as DUP would never collapse gov w/ Corbyn in wings. Finally a senior Tory gets it!” @Robert___harris said: “John Major makes the very good point that the billions paid to Ulster for DUP to prop up Tory govt will be bitterly resented elsewhere in UK.” @Cllrfitzpa­trick “John Major always refused to rely on DUP as he realised the consequenc­es for Ireland. Tories today put their career before peace in Ireland.”

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