The Scotsman

Davis asks Holyrood parties to ‘come together’ as vote on Brexit is confirmed


Brexit Secretary David Davis has asked Scottish parties to “come together” and honour the result of the EU referendum as he confirmed MSPS would get a vote on a crucial piece of Brexit legislatio­n.

Mr Davis said Holyrood would be asked for its consent on parts of the Repeal Bill, which will transfer EU regulation­s into UK law when Brexit takes place.

The Brexit Secretary has warned that failure to pass the Repeal Bill at Westminste­r could make UK law “unworkable” outside the EU. While MSPS cannot block the Repeal 0 David Davis promised an increase in powers Bill, voting down a Legislativ­e Consent Motion (LCM) would deal a damaging political blow to the government and could derail the Brexit process.

“I cannot stress enough to the House and to the nation the importance of this bill to ensure that we have a smooth and orderly exit from the European Union,” Mr Davis said in the Commons last night. “Every part of the United Kingdom needs to prepare its statute book and ensure that it functions after we leave.”

Mr Davis promised “a significan­t increase” in the powers of the Scottish Parliament after Brexit, adding: “We would like everyone to come together in support of this legislatio­n which is crucial to deliver the outcome of the referendum.”

SNP MP Stephen Gethins MP welcomed confirmati­on of the LCM and said the SNP would fight an “extreme Tory Brexit”.

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