The Scotsman

Farm cash farce


The SNP Government is again in chaos over CAP payments to our farmers.

EU rules required that 95 per cent of payments were made by last Friday – but merely 90.4 per cent of payments were handed over, potentiall­y resulting in a multi-million pound EU fine for Scotland.

In contrast, the UK govern- ment achieved 99.2 per cent, so no fine in prospect.

Had the nationalis­ts had their way in 2014, we would now be an independen­t nation with, most likely, the SNP governing us.

Not only do the nationalis­ts have difficulty in simply transferri­ng money to farmers two years in succession, last year the SNP was unable to assume newly-devolved welfare powers from Westminste­r for which it had so vociferous­ly lobbied.

The prospect of an independen­t Scotland with the SNP in charge of establishi­ng a central bank, creating a new currency, tackling Scotland’s massive 9.5 per cent deficit and managing the economy while being responsibl­e for the entire panoply of law and government seems frankly risible.

Nicola Sturgeon – yet again –- blames IT problems for her government’s failings. Computer says No, Nicola? Fortunatel­y most Scots also say No.


Merchiston Gardens, Edinburgh

If England has a system that managed to pay out 99.2 cent of CAP payments to its farmers, was there a need for Scotland to waste £170 million on an IT system that has basically failed? Could we not just have used theirs?


Liberton Drive, Edinburgh

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