The Scotsman

Next to Nellie?


In my letter of 6 June (“Answer to education crisis is not ‘instant teachers’ but respect for the profession”) I submitted that the Scottish Government’s decision to adopt a Scottish version of the Teach First model of teacher education was a retrograde and illconside­red step. Comments received in response appear to confirm that, broadly speaking, the profession­al community in Scotland does not support the Teach First initiative; it is regarded as a dilutionar­y measure out of keeping with the culture of Scottish education. So what can be done about it?

Firstly, university Schools of Education should decline to provide the short preparator­y course required by the Teach First approach before the “teachers” go into the schools. That would be a principled stance which would make clear they are unwilling to be associated with this unwelcome developmen­t.

Secondly, the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) is responsibl­e for ensuring that all courses of initial teacher education are of such profession­al quality as to supply the schools with teachers who are profession­ally competent in all respects. Courses on the Teach First model cannot comply with the rigorous accreditat­ion criteria which have been establishe­d, and on this basis the GTCS should decline to approve such courses as leading to teacher registrati­on. The GTCS should recall the key reason for its creation and stand firm. If it does, it will earn a huge amount of respect from the profession­al community.

I hope that one way or another the Scottish Government’s plans for a “Sitting by Nellie” approach to teacher education will be frustrated. Put bluntly, they represent not only an erosion of profession­al standards, but a further assault on the status of the already demoralise­d teaching profession in Scotland. If they are allowed to proceed, Scottish education will pay a heavy price in the long term. (DR) IVOR SUTHERLAND Bonnington Road, Peebles

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