The Scotsman

Black says progressiv­e Labour supporters should work with SNP


A leading SNP MP has called for Labour to work with the Nationalis­ts “to keep Scotland in the single market and to protect working people”.

Mhairi Black said that left-wingers in the party should focus on holding the Conservati­ve government at Westminste­r to account instead of attacking the SNP.

Her comments follow a recent report by the Campaign for Socialism (CFS) that found Scottish Labour strategist­s was “stuck in a Better Together mindset” and did not effectivel­y challenge the Tories ahead of the snap election on 0 Mhairi Black called for the Tories to be held to account 6 June. Scottish Labour said the SNP was “a party out-ofideas and in a state of utter panic”.

“This devastatin­g verdict from Labour members them- selves should make Kezia Dugdale, and others at the top of the party hierarchy, hang their heads in shame,” Ms Black wrote in a tabloid newspaper column.

“In a hung parliament, with no party having won a majority of seats at Westminste­r, it is more important than ever that progressiv­es work together to oppose the Tories and their right-wing agenda.”

A spokesman for Scottish Labour told The Scotsman: “This is bare-faced cheek from Mhairi Black that is frankly laughable.

“There is nothing progressiv­e about the SNP, which talks Left in Westminste­r but acts Right in power in Holyrood.”

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