The Scotsman

Rewards of RET


I can see KW Mckay’s argument (Letters, 22 July) suggesting the removal of Road Equivalent Tariff (RET) on Western Isles ferry routes. But as a holiday cottages provider, and regularly holidaying on North Uist myself, I feel he misses the point of what RET is for. It was introduced to help boost the economy of our beautiful, yet sparsely populated, Hebridean islands. He suggests that tourists benefit from RET. While it is true that folk who have visited previously pay less than they used to, RET has encouraged many new visitors to the islands because the previously expensive ferry fares are now affordable.

At the height of the season, a typical family of four sailing to North Uist would pay less than £100 return fare with a car, bikes on the back and a boat or canoes on the roof rack. On the islands they rent cottages or stay in hotels, B&B etc and buy petrol, food and often eat out. Even campers spend money on the islands.

As a result of increased tourism and bookings, we’ve built a large extension to one of our cottages and are doing another next year.

Whenever possible we support local businesses by buying locally – architectu­ral services, building materials, tradesmen. RET has brought economic developmen­t to the Western Isles and any proposal to remove it so soon after its full implementa­tion would be detrimenta­l. ALASDAIR SEALE Managing Director

Trinity Factors Hebridean Holiday Cottages

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