The Scotsman

Nationalis­ts are ready for indyref2 - no, not that one

Alex Orr wonders how the people of Catalonia will vote in a separation poll later this year


On 1 October the people of Catalonia are set to enter the polling booths. I say ‘set’ as, while this is the date establishe­d by the Catalan government for a referendum on independen­ce from Spain, it is a move strongly opposed by the Spanish government.

It will not be the first such referendum. In 2014, a Catalan self-determinat­ion referendum was held in November that year. While more than 80 per cent supported Yes, turnout was estimated at between only 37 and 42 per cent due to a boycott by those opposed to independen­ce.

With the Spanish conservati­ve government of Mariano Rajoy saying such a vote is illegal, in breach of the Constituti­on and must not take place, tensions are being ratcheted up between Madrid and Barcelona.

Catalan ministers responsibl­e for the 2014 effort have been prosecuted and, in some cases, barred from office. The head of Catalonia’s police force recently resigned.

The Catalan government, under Carles Puigdemont, insists that the process will go ahead and should there be a Yes vote, the process to create an independen­t republic will begin within 48 hours.

To ensure this, the government have been putting the structures in place for a potentiall­y independen­t state, including a tax and revenue agency and the outlines of a diplomatic service.

Recent opinion polls show a majority in the region favour holding a referendum on secession, but the debate has largely focused on the right to hold a referendum, rather than the details of the independen­ce prospectus itself, such as the economic and social aspects.

Support for independen­ce has been growing in Catalonia for the last decade because of complaints that it pays too much into the Spanish coffers, and because a reformed devolution statute was undermined by the Constituti­onal Court in 2010.

Some polls have put support at over 50 per cent, but mostly it is in the mid-40s. However, most Catalans would settle for less – a new financial settlement; more autonomy; recognitio­n as a nation; and guarantees for their language. It is the refusal of Spain to concede that drives many people from what in Scotland is called ‘devo-max’ to ‘independen­ce-lite’.

If the vote takes place and there is a Yes majority, the Catalan government hopes for internatio­nal recognitio­n, starting with European states. They also hope to start governing, building on their own state structures, requiring people to pay their taxes to Catalonia instead of Spain.

With Spain only recently dropping threats to block independen­t Scottish membership of the European Union, it is only natural that the SNP government will be proceeding with caution over the referendum. Should the vote go ahead on 1 October, the party has claimed that it will be prepared to congratula­te whoever is victorious

It will require a convincing mandate to give the result the legitimacy it requires, and that will require unionist parties to actively campaign and for their voters to turn out.

Without this, it will be seen as just another protest vote. ● Alex Orr is managing director of Orbit Communicat­ions, Edinburgh.

 ??  ?? 0 Catalonian pro-independen­ce supporters at a rally
0 Catalonian pro-independen­ce supporters at a rally

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