The Scotsman

Big funds cast eye on Scotland


Scotland must be sick of elections: six trips to the polls in less than three years – it’s no wonder commentato­rs were warning of election fatigue in the build up to the election in June.

After the Scottish Government hit pause on a second independen­ce referendum, the good news for those dreading another ballot is it seems we won’t be heading back to the polls again for some time – unless another snap UK election is in the offing…

The “reset” of the timetable on indyref2 could be particular­ly welcomed by one group in the property industry: UK institutio­ns. It’s a well-known fact that they have cooled on Scotland in recent years. Their share of spend on commercial property across the country has shrunk from a peak of around 58 per cent in 2013, to a low of 6 per cent last year.

While it would be facile to say that there’s one reason behind this decline, political uncertaint­y has undoubtedl­y played a prominent role. Many UK funds have a clear geographic­al remit and, if Scotland was to go its own way, this would cause the funds issues – mostly in terms of investing outside of their remit. There are also the inevitable welltrodde­n questions around currency, where businesses would base themselves, and the like.

Yet, there are signs their reticence towards Scotland is softening. Occupier markets are strong, in the main, and the yield differenti­al compared to other UK markets appears attractive. Of course, it’s fair to say that it won’t be a case of flicking a switch and the UK funds come back – it will be gradual and based on an assumption there’s no unforeseen bad news on the horizon. They’ll dip their toes back in the market by looking at prime locations, such as Glasgow and Edinburgh, and longdated income in the first instance, and then start searching beyond.

That said, it won’t necessaril­y be an easy return for many of them. In their absence, others have seen an opportunit­y: Scotland’s commercial property market has opened up to investors from across the globe: Chinese, South Korean, and South African buyers are just a few of the recent parties to express an interest. Not only are these internatio­nal investors looking at the core markets of Glasgow and Edinburgh, but they’re increasing­ly looking to secondary assets: a private overseas investor’s recent purchase of a prominent part of Perth High Street underlines their willingnes­s to look beyond the conurbatio­ns.

Anyone waiting for uncertaint­y to end, it seems, will be kept waiting for a while yet; but the events of the last few months have injected a certain amount of stability back into Scotland, for now at least. Whether this will precipitat­e increased interest remains to be seen, but the early indication­s are that UK funds are beginning to look north of the Border once again. ● Alasdair Steele, head of Scotland Commercial at Knight Frank

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