The Scotsman

Former Celtic and Hibs star avoids jail over sexual assault

● Chris Killen, 35, was in ‘stupedied state’ when incident happened


0 Chris Killen, who had spells playing for both Hibs and Celtic, was spared jail despite admitting sexual assault after drinking binge A former profession­al footballer who got into the bed of a stranger and touched her bottom after an eight-hour drinking binge has avoided a jail sentence for sexual assault.

Ex-celtic and Manchester City player Chris Killen, 35, was in a “stupefied state” from alcohol when he went through the unlocked patio doors of a house where a group of women were sleeping after a party.

Killen, a father of two, went into a bedroom and got under the covers next to a woman who was sleeping alongside her friend and another woman in the room.

His victim, who had been drinking, suddenly became aware of a man next to her in bed and “froze” then felt a hand on her bottom over her underwear, Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester heard.

She cried out to her sleeping friend who used her phone to light up Killen. He removed his hand and sat up in bed amid demands to know who he was and what he was doing there.

Gary Woodall, prosecutin­g, told the court Killen said his name was “John” and that he had arrived at the house with “two girls” then quickly left the room and the house in Bury, Greater Manchester, which was rented out by a property firm he is involved in.

New Zealand-born Killen returned moments later to ask for his shoes back, the court heard.

He represente­d his country in the 2010 World Cup after playing for Middlesbro­ugh and Celtic and starting his career with Manchester City as a trainee. His career also included stints at Hibernian, Norwich, Oldham Athletic, Port Vale and Wrexham.

The defendant, of London Road, Adlington, near Macclesfie­ld, pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to an offence of sexual assault in the early morning of 17 September, 2016.

He had been out with a friend in Manchester, drinking for eight hours and visiting nightclubs and a lap-dancing bar before getting a taxi to the property. After his arrest he offered to go around with flowers, wine and chocolates to apologise, but the court heard his victim, whose age was not given in court, felt “violated and vulnerable” after waking to find a strange man in her bed.

In a victim impact statement, she told the court: “I felt and still feel uneasy on my own. I struggle to sleep. What happenedke­epsgoingth­roughmy mind. I have not really been myself since it happened.”

Judge Maurice Greene said that after “long, hard considerat­ion”, he would pass a 12 month jail sentence but the “unusual circumstan­ces” of the case meant he could suspend it for 18 months and order Killen to do 20 hours rehabilita­tion activity and 200 hours community service. He ordered the defendant to sign the Sex Offenders Register for the next ten years.

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