The Scotsman




Scottish comic Susan Calman is the latest celebrity to sign up for Strictly Come Dancing’s 2017 series. Calman cancelled a planned tour in the autumn to put on her dancing shoes. @Susancalma­n wrote: “I haven’t worn heels or a dress since I was 17. Haven’t danced with a man in over a decade. Strictly, I’m ready.” Fellow contestant @Mrjoemcfad­den replied: “Great news you’re joining us... A very funny lady and Scottish too! Gonna be a hoot.” @darceyspar­kle wrote: “Now this makes sense! First @Revrichard­coles & now you. Best series already!”


Scottish Government Minister Mark Mcdonald appeared on ITV’S Good Morning Britain to discuss the SNP’S flagship policy of sending new mothers a box packed with essentials for caring for a newborn. Stand-in host Jeremy Kyle asked the MSP why the box contained condoms, and was given a dressing down. @Davidlinde­n tweeted: “Love the straight face with which Mark Mcdonald puts Jeremy Kyle back in his box – if you pardon the expression.” @Gilliangma­rtin added: “Mark Mcdonald this morning on TV owning (as I believe the kids call it) Jeremy Kyle on condoms in the Baby Box.” @Jstevejmac­kie said: “A legitimate ask and a full and well-mannered answer and a polite and fulsome appreciati­on of the answer... this sort of thing will never catch on.”


As the UK prepares to leave the EU, more detail is emerging on the transition­al arrangemen­ts the country will have to put it place. The Government published a position paper saying they could set up a temporary customs union after Brexit in 2019. Nickfaith8­2 wrote: “So basically we’d like to stay in the customs union to give us time to agree non EU trade deals. Sure EU will be happy with that.” @Iandunt added: “Customs union paper seem firmly in cake-and-eat-it territory. It’s at least moderate and envisages some kind of interim deal so grateful for that at least. But it is also completely pointless.” @Guyverhofs­tadt said: “To be in & out of the Customs Union & ‘invisible borders’ is a fantasy. First need to secure citizens rights & a financial settlement.”

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